Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hey gang! We have some new information for you. So far, we have the dates and pricing. We are still working to get all the details worked out, so be sure to keep track of what's going on through either this blog or our Facebook page here.

The pricing for our 2012 I. Swing U. event is as follows:
Until October 13, 2012, ticket prices for the whole weekend will be $40 without an official I. Swing U. 2012 t-shirt or $45 with a t-shirt.
After October 13, ticket prices will rise to $60 for the weekend.
We are currently working on a way to accept payment electronically. More information to arrive later.

We've also worked out a schedule for the workshop.
Friday, October 26 2012
Registration at 12, classes from 1-5:45. Dance later.
Saturday, October 27 2012
Classes from 11-1:15, break for lunch, return to classes from 3:00-5:15. Dance at 8:30.

The daily schedule is subject to change, but we'll let you know.

We're still getting a few more things worked out, so keep current by checking this blog as well as the Facebook page. We can't wait to see you there, and be sure to invite your friends!

Thanks for staying awesome,
The Workshop Crew

p.s. Much of this blog is still outdated and we are working to get it updated again. The most current information will likely be on this main page for the time being.